
Rubens Saito Mira Braz

Tokyo - Japan.

[email protected]


MBA in Software Engineering

University of Sao Paulo. 2024 – 2026

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

University of Brasilia. 2016 – 2022


Programming: Python; JavaScript / Google Apps Script; C; PHP; SQL; LaTeX.

Web Development: HTML; CSS; WordPress; Wix; Bootstrap; Flask; Moodle; Domain management / DNS.

Controllers: Raspberry Pi; Arduíno.

Apps: Google Sheets; Excel; TouchDesigner; MATLAB.

Work Experience

EMBRAPII - Brazilian Company for Industrial Research and Innovation

Industrial Innovation Analyst. 11/2022 - Current
Technical Assistant. 06/2021 - 11/2022
Electrical Engineering Intern. 06/2019 - 06/2021

  • Technical lead for the student training program in Soft Skills Capacitação 4.0, with a budget of 15 million BRL and expected participation of more than 1,500 students by 2024. Highlight for the creation of a Python system for monthly validation of the program's payrolls.
  • Management and corrections of the company's database system (SRINFO - Information Registration System).
  • Instructor for the SRINFO Training Course for EMBRAPII Units.
  • Development and maintenance of tools in JavaScript, Python, and spreadsheets in Google Sheets and Excel for process control and automation:
    • Management of the special ROTA2030 program, a federal program for the automotive industry aimed at supporting technological development, with a budget of over 132 million BRL at EMBRAPII.
    • Management of questionnaires (companies, units and consultants) that generates reports and automatic collections via e-mail. This system calculates the "Company Satisfaction" indicator, one of the most important in EMBRAPII.
    • Control of the New Units Accreditation Public Call process.
    • Control of the Projects and Units Evaluation process.

Jamelão Lab

Position: Co-founder. 11/2020 – Present

  • LAMPP server management.
  • Development of customized business solutions:
    • Creation and maintenance of websites (over 40 hosted).
    • Development of web applications and systems.
    • Excel and Google Sheets spreadsheet development.
    • Building of Telegram and Twitter Bots.

Velche Energy

Position: Electrical Engineering Intern. 03/2019 – 10/2019

  • Electrical installation projects and subsequent monitoring of works, budgets and material purchases.
    • Responsible for sizing the air conditioning system for 4 blocks of UNICEPLAC (Gama-DF).
    • Participation in 3 adaptations for the free energy market.
  • Feasibility studies of technical and economic aspects of projects.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) - Itamaraty

Position: Electrical Engineering Intern. 10/2018 – 02/2019

  • Electrical installation projects and subsequent monitoring of works, budgets and material purchases.
  • Development of floor plans using AutoCAD.
  • Overseeing maintenance contracts and writing reports about energy consumption and efficiency.
  • Responsible for analyzing energy bills for the entire MRE, identifying overestimated contracted demand - resulting in a medium-term cost reduction of approximately 10%.


CS50x 2024 Introduction to Computer Science

Harvard University. 2024

Excel Degree (6 Courses)

Alura. 2024

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

Google. 2023

Google Apps Script Complete Course

Laurence Svekis. 2023

Dashboards Google Looker

Caio Avelino. 2023

Advanced formulas – Google Sheets

Ben Collins. 2020


Unifesp Academic Congress (Federal University of São Paulo). 2023

Speaker in the thematic session: "Working with Soft Skills in Higher Education: Experiences from the Capacitação 4.0 Training Program at CIM-UNIFESP Unit". 20/06/2023

The aim of this session was to present the importance of soft skills related competencies (socio-emotional and behavioral skills, such as communication, leadership, and creativity) in student education.

Certificate. Session recording. Conference site.

25th UnB Scientific Initiation Congress (University of Brasilia). 2019

Presentation of the Scientific Initiation Work: “Use of Utilization of Reinforcement Learning for Gait Generation in a Quadruped Robot". 08/2018 – 08/2019
Automation and Robotics Laboratory (LARA). Advisor: Alexandre Ricardo Romariz

The robot used in this project has 3 motors in each leg, allowing for 12 degrees of mobility. To initiate the algorithm, a gait inspired by horse walking was used. At the beginning, it could cover a distance of 61cm and the final gait found reached 80cm, an increase of more than 30%.


Other projecs

Creation of "Automatiza UnB", a manager for university life at University of Brasilia (UnB). 01/2019 – 01/2021

The tool consisted of a BOT in Telegram, the goal was to help UnB students in their daily activities. It allowed them to save their grades for monitoring throughout the semester; It sent the menu of the University Restaurant (RU) to 800 people daily; It allowed easy access to frequently used information: enrollment calendars, phone numbers, RU balance, it checked if the UnB websites were active, etc.

It was discontinued with the adoption of the new UnB system (SIGAA).

Development of applications for HP Prime. 03/2018 – 07/2018

The applications developed are used all over the world and are open source.

Resources of the developed applications: Delta-Y conversion; Series and parallel association of impedances; Calculation of impedance of RLC circuits; Library of physics formulas; Complete resolution of Delta and Y polyphase circuits.

Tutorials and downloads.

Extension Project: Mais que Brilhe o Sol. 06/2017 – 06/2018

University of Brasilia. Supervisor: Rafael Amaral Shayani

Over the course of a year, the study group was dedicated to research on solar energy and technical and economic feasibility analyses of photovoltaic installations were developed. In addition, the main objective of the project was to bring knowledge about solar energy in public schools, explaining how it works, advantages and difficulties.


Portuguese - Fluent
English - Fluent
Spanish - Basic
